Battlefield 5

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TOGA Member
Dec 14, 2015
Just cancelled my pre-order, played the Beta and it's just BF1 reskinned.


TOGA Member
Mar 30, 2015
Leicester UK
Also canceled its much worse than bf1 imo, this game is a complete train wreck. Feels like marketed towards the pubg/fortnight crowd with looter shooter aspects, and the battle royale coming...

as soon as you spawn u have fuck all ammo - just one spare clip in your main rifle yet the support can throw ammo everywhere- does not make sense as most soldiers carried 6 clips minimum and goes way too far ruining gameplay. Spent too much time running for ammo and health and not shooting noobs.

The death cam and spawn system is beyond broken, you lay on ground disorientated with the camera animations jerking around, waiting 10+ seconds for a death and spawn. Half the team is dead and the ttk is too quick. Waiting for a cheap sale I prefer bf4 and bf1 at this point
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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
I cancelled pre-order too. I do not understand the art direction they have taken with this game at all and really do not like it. I found it very hard to pickup players visually and the HUD i also found to be very bad compared to previous BF games. But doesn't really matter cause I aint had chance to game since January and with little feet arriving mid November, I ain't gonna find time for gaming anytime soon lol :)


Anti-Cheat Sqd
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Jan 16, 2010
Good to hear about the ETA Zero :) - I have to say that BF5 was a disappointment to me, too, though it's beta. I can't help but compare it to BF1, the Grand Operations of which I liked very much, at least some of the maps tbh.
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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
Good to hear about the ETA Zero :) - I have to say that BF5 was a disappointment to me, too, though it's beta. I can't help but compare it to BF1, the Grand Operations of which I liked very much, at least some of the maps tbh.

Thanks Mc :)

I really enjoyed Grand Operations and it was the thing I played the most. :)


TOGA Member
Nov 29, 2014
Hi guys - I tried the beta and didn't fall head over heels. Perhaps I'm getting too old ;)
Had a few fun runs, but the latest interfaces are really bothersome and loadouts and everything seems just a mess. Can hardly believe that the web-apps actually should strike you as preferable at this moment ;)
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Feb 2, 2014
I subscribed to Origin Access Premier, and have been playing BFV for the last few days. And I am enjoying the game, much more than in the beta. I really disliked the Narvik map on the beta. But they did clean it up a bit, and although still not my favorite map it is much better now.

Of course not all is perfect, but overall I think it is really good. But to be honest, I also said that with BF1 and that opinion did change quite a bit after a few weeks.
But that was probably mainly because I was happy to play another battlefield as BF4 was growing old on me.
Nowadays I still play BF4 though (and still liking it).

BFV is a better game than BF1 imho. If it will be better dan BF4 remains to be seen, but who knows.

- Game looks good (there are some culprits though)
- Game sounds good
- Gameplay is smooth (for me)
- No random bullet deviation (the bullet goes to where you aim at)
- Gunplay
- you can throw grenades back (or even shoot them mid air)

- Forced TXAA (which makes the game more blurry and therefore harder to see enemies)
- No word on the rental servers

There are probably a few more Cons, but at the moment I can't remember them. Some might dislike the fact that you will not autoregen your health to 100% and you will spawn in with less ammo. I don't mind it as there are plenty of people running with ammopacks or medics with medpacks. Every soldier carries 1 medpack, which you can use once to regain your health to 100%. After using the medpack you can pick up a new one at supply stations all over the map or from a medic.
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TOGA Member
Mar 30, 2015
Leicester UK
overall i dont think a higher ttk and lack of ammo makes the game more skillful. I played the beta and have been following reddit/battlefield forums since release.
The forced TXAA is a big downer which makes sniping n longer range engagements very blurry. It has been forced low/high on all Frostbite games since 2017 - NFS, Battlefront 2 and now this so hope they wiilll even bother to fix it, otherwise Reshade will be essential./
The ttk on smgs, assault and lmg is faster than bF1 but sniper has been nerfed to oblivion. The 55 bolt damage in my favourite class means DMRs kill in as many bullets (with a faster ROF) and its better to just shoot with pistol up close because a noscope to pistol switch will still rrequire 3 or 4 bullets. This is what people constantly crying about snipers in previous titles does. I didn't like sweet spot mechanic but in order to make a bolt balanced and viable it needs to do 70-80 dmg especially when everything else has had the TTK increased drastically.

on the plus side, removal of spotting, behemoths and mortars are good changes. I can only hope for a sniper buff and removal of TXAA but not planning to buy until its cheap and theres more content in there. Theres also hardly any new guns, half of the weapons are direct copies from BF1 with stat changes. No proper shotgun just the drilling for support , perhaps until americans come out , no m1 garand till then either. only 2 maps are confirmed for the next 6 months content on the official road maps. the battle royale will be in March which i think will be good but most of us want BF for conquest anyhow. :)
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New User
Dec 1, 2013
Hi guys, I do not know if anyone still remembers me but I was actually thinking about coming back to battlefield and wanted to see whether you guys were still playing. I hated BF1 for some reason, so I never really got into it even though I bought the game. Where are you guys hanging out and would it be possible to join you again?
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TOGA Member
So far, I think its good, it has a nice mix, some bugs may need ironing out but where this game shines is the team work element.

It really forces you to play as a team to be able to use the squad bonuses and you get a lot of xp while working as a team.

Having the red dots and holo scope is also a nice welcome from using iron sights in BF1.

Squad leaders can now use V1 bombs, drop ammo creates for your squad and drop vehicles, reminds me of the days of having a commander in the field like in BF2142. but to use these features you have to work as a team to earn squad points and these points can be spent on using these add-ons.

Although the TTK may need work and sniper rifles aren't over powered, the team work side of it is really fun and you forget the bugs in the game as you become focused on the other elements of the game like, spotting as a sniper for your team or given ammo and med kits, reviving your team mates, 4 man squads are highly effective as we found out last night.

So for me despite a few teething problems I think this game has a lot of potential.
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TOGA Member
Also I unlocked a full automatic shotgun which is cool and from what I have heard, this game is going to be rolling in time with the war, so as the game progresses through WW2 more gun's, tanks, vehicles and maps will be added. the start of WW2 they still used a lot of WW1 weapons but were updated through out the war.
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Anti-Cheat Sqd
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Jan 16, 2010
How is Grand Operations, or are you mainly playing Conquest? There were two separate comments about spotting: removal of spotting / spotting for your team, so probably there is spotting but somehow changed from BF1?

Is one "allowed" to stay back and spot for his team is a good general question, probably the squad/team doesn't like it, if someone isn't actively playing for the objective. At least in other games the feedback seems to have been instant and insulting.


TOGA Member
Mar 7, 2010
United Kingdom
How is Grand Operations, or are you mainly playing Conquest? There were two separate comments about spotting: removal of spotting / spotting for your team, so probably there is spotting but somehow changed from BF1?

Is one "allowed" to stay back and spot for his team is a good general question, probably the squad/team doesn't like it, if someone isn't actively playing for the objective. At least in other games the feedback seems to have been instant and insulting.

You can directly spot a tank but to spot a player it's a general direction you need to spot.

If you are recon then it's perfectly acceptable to hang back and spot but I think that the spawns change so quickly that you aren't able to camp as you once could.
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Feb 2, 2014
With recon you can spot people with a spotting scope, then you will see an icon above someones head. And when you suppress enemies they get a red triangle above their head for a short amount of time.

The two grand operations I played were a bit disappointing because midway suddenly the game was unbalanced (10 vs 4 for example).
It might that that will get better as soon as everybody can play it.

And regarding your question if someone is allowed to stay back and spot. Sure why not? I think everybody needs to play a game like he wants to play it. If people complain in chat, just turn of the chat.
On the other hand you want to work together as a squad, because that is most effective imho. As recon you can be usefull too with spawnbeacon and maybe also hang back a bit as spawnpoint. Just realise that you will get flanked.
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