BF4 NEWS - Dragons Teeth DLC + Extras...

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TOGA Member
Mar 29, 2012

Thanks once again to Binary for this.......

Dragon’s Teeth DLC

Okay so it’s been out for a little while and probably most of you have seen the official trailer “sneak peek” on Battlelog, but for those of you who have blinkers on…

From other sources we also know that this DLC pack will contain the Desert Eagle (handgun), Unica 6 Magnum (handgun), SIG MPX (submachine gun), SRS Bulldog 762 (assault rifle) and the McMillan CS5 (sniper rifle).

Then there’s the 2-handed Ballistic “Riot” Shield and a remote control robot which can be equipped with an M240B machine gun with 450 rounds or 4nr M203 grenade launchers carrying 4 rounds.

Apparently the Ballistic Shield is capable of melee “bonking” opponent players up to a metre away, so this may take over as the new “fail” way to die instead of Defrib’s or the Repair Tool.

The Battlefield Wiki (always a source for honesty and truth…that’s possibly sarcasm btw), says that a new game mode “Chainlink” will be introduced. This will be a variant to Conquest where players need to link adjacent capture points, which causes the opposing team's tickets to bleed quicker.

Gamespot reports that other details leaked online suggest the level cap will be raised from 120 to 130, however unfortunately we’ll have to wait until this Summer before we can find out for sure what the pack really contains. For now though, even if a lot of the above is speculation, it’s certainly enough to keep me coming back for more!

DICE Community Test Environment

DICE have recently started a new program where accepted Premium PC players download another special 15Gb copy of the game and can then join in on a special test server to try out patches and fixes before they are released publicly. You have to create a new character and begin from scratch, but a pal of mine in on the CTE says that leveling up is boosted & it doesn’t affect your current stats or character. DICE say that "By launching this new program, not only will we be able to address player feedback at an early stage, but also increase the overall quality of the game."

The CTE seems to have been generally accepted as an encouraging move by DICE and hopefully will result in quicker fixes for problems and make them more aligned to what the BF4 community wants. For example, their first priority to address was the netcode issue which involves tweaking to the “tickrate” servers and networking in general and players report that increasing this on the CTE server has vastly improved things for them.

Joining in on the CTE is currently full to capacity, although DICE says that in future they may increase the numbers able to register for it. More information can be found on the official forums.
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TOGA Member
Mar 29, 2012
Thanks Binary for writing this article.

I'll be interested to see the new chainlink game mode.

New weapons are imo a bit "MEH" to be honest, but interested to see how the ballistic shield plays... wonder if you're not using it but carry it on your back if it defends you from being taken from behind ;-)