Changing Career

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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
Has anyone ever changed their career after being made redundant?

Just wondering how you went you about it and what things to consider etc. Any advice welcome :)


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Oct 27, 2010
Bury England
sorry to hear youve been made redundant. when i was it was tough but because im not skilled at anything i would take what ever i could. now would be a good time if you fancy training for another career as collages/university's will be enrolling soon


New User
Jan 10, 2015
Oh, not good! :( Sorry to hear that dude! If it helps, I've gone through 3 separate careers. I started off as a labourer in agriculture. Then music took over from there for about 6 years, after that I became an IT engineer. Careers spanned from hobbies, so it was a natural progression. There are a million and one places for you to go to help you through a transition. If the staff at the local job centre are worth their salt, they'll have all the info you need and set you up with mentors and stuff. You don't even need to be claiming benefits to use it all :)


TOGA Member
Oct 24, 2010
Shit sorry to hear that Zero. I wasn't made redundant, but going from being a full time reservist to a civvie was a wake up call and a major career change. It's difficult but not hard and takes some time settling in. I'm still settling in after 16 weeks!


New User
Jan 21, 2012
Forfar, Scotland
Dont think of it as a negative thing Z, your now able to do anything you really fancy, a change in direction perhaps or a different direction with your existing skills, a change is as good as a break n all that.

Doug and blackies suggestions are spot on, once you know what you'd fancy doing both are good avenues and options to study towards it is a good way, what i did 12-15yr ago, never regretted it since, its never too late.

I think the secret to being happy working is do something you love or enjoy, or related to your favourite hobby, then it never really feels like work, spattered with bad days a lot less frequently, hell i'm not saying you'll leap out of bed thinking woohoo work again! (well ok maybe for first year, its allowed right? :p)

Myself, if i ever had enough of working with tech (?!?!?!) i think id prolly go do something positive with wildlife tbh, aquatic related prolly, actually deep sea world salt/freshwater aquatics keeper would be pretty awesome, you could all come dive with my sharks :p
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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
Thanks for the advice guys. I haven't been made redundant yet, but I asked them about voluntary to give myself an option rather than wait.

There are 4 developers and 2 roles to fill. On paper my job should be safe but it doesn't always work that way. I don't really hate my job as it's easy/good money, but I don't like being tied to a desk all day. I can't believe I've done it for 20 years!

If I take voluntary redundancy, I walk away with another 5k. If I stay and still get pushed, I would regret not taking it of my own choice and losing the extra cash.

Thing is, either way, my settlement money won't last very long as I will use some of it to pay off a couple of debts which I can't have hanging over me while unemployed.

And the left over cash from that won't be enough to realistically re-train for any length of time. I don't even know if I can put myself on a course and claim benefits (the thought of which makes me feel low, but then I am entitled to get help i guess).

It's too late for a career in gaming/design with the possible exception of mobile apps possibly. I could train myself up in that but then I will still be stuck at a desk.

The only other real passion I have is for fitness and golf. A green keep would be ideal for me but to do that the right way you are looking at university. I simply don't have the cash to pay for that and my monthly bills.

I guess as the end of the day I will also pretty much do anything to bring some cash in. I'm certainly not going to sit on my arse and milk the system for any longer than I need to.


New User
Jan 21, 2012
Forfar, Scotland
Thanks for the advice guys. I haven't been made redundant yet, but I asked them about voluntary to give myself an option rather than wait.

There are 4 developers and 2 roles to fill. On paper my job should be safe but it doesn't always work that way. I don't really hate my job as it's easy/good money, but I don't like being tied to a desk all day. I can't believe I've done it for 20 years!

If I take voluntary redundancy, I walk away with another 5k. If I stay and still get pushed, I would regret not taking it of my own choice and losing the extra cash.

Thing is, either way, my settlement money won't last very long as I will use some of it to pay off a couple of debts which I can't have hanging over me while unemployed.

And the left over cash from that won't be enough to realistically re-train for any length of time. I don't even know if I can put myself on a course and claim benefits (the thought of which makes me feel low, but then I am entitled to get help i guess).

It's too late for a career in gaming/design with the possible exception of mobile apps possibly. I could train myself up in that but then I will still be stuck at a desk.

The only other real passion I have is for fitness and golf. A green keep would be ideal for me but to do that the right way you are looking at university. I simply don't have the cash to pay for that and my monthly bills.

I guess as the end of the day I will also pretty much do anything to bring some cash in. I'm certainly not going to sit on my arse and milk the system for any longer than I need to.
easy fix, come move north of the border and you get free further ed/university tuition ;) (not to mention no prescription charge with the NHS) we pay feck all for it :) and where better to work in golfing/greenkeeping, after all we are the inventors and home of golf :p
besides Z you've paid your income tax for 20 years, your entitled to use what the govt offer for retraining fellah!

My work mates big brother is a green keeper at St Andrews, job is good but wages are pretty poor, but he supplements it with caddying for the rich n famous round the old course, can ask him what they look for in quals for a greenkeper if you like.
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New User
Jul 22, 2015
Burnley, Lancashire
If I were you I'd stay in your current role and wait to see if you are made redundant. The 5k may sound nice, but if you struggle to find any decent employment afterwards because of your age, skills, etc., the 5k would soon vanish.

I worked in IT for a short while before being made redundant. I've gone for something completely different in the NHS in the hope my job is safe for life, and with the benefit of further training and progession.


New User
Jan 21, 2012
Forfar, Scotland
If I were you I'd stay in your current role and wait to see if you are made redundant. The 5k may sound nice, but if you struggle to find any decent employment afterwards because of your age, skills, etc., the 5k would soon vanish.

I worked in IT for a short while before being made redundant. I've gone for something completely different in the NHS in the hope my job is safe for life, and with the benefit of further training and progession.

i did exactly the opposite to you mate :) as i approached 30 i realised enough of the NHS and its total lack of funds, annual sub-inflation payrises (or more often than not frozen for years), poor work conditions and stupid red tape related to the clinician's job i did, and decided to retrain in IT and never looked back (14 years and counting).

:) friends i have who are still in NHS are all hoping to be pensioned off early with ill health or have had enough of the red tape and bullshit its full of, which is a shame as its patient care that suffers ultimately.

My last apprentice from NHS days has just resigned to go work in healthcare in the private sector, much better money and his wage before he left (a dept workshop manager in Prosthetics) was earning less than I do as a lowly site admin.

The NHS has had the same issues for decades, too many middle n top managers syphoning off big salaries for themselves, at the expense of the real workers and patient care.

they also have to stop the tiered payrise system in effect, RCN negotiate always a better rate than all the doctors and ancillary staff reps, usually with the RCN bullshit saying oh the NHS couldn't operate without nurses! Err it couldnt without all ancillary staff also yet they get lower rises and poorer wages.

Add the annual blowing remnants of budgets on anything (Jan-March every year) and everything to make sure they get same budget the following year, but not spending it wisely on stuff the NHS and patients needs.

they know critical care staff would never strike or work to rule, and every govt and trust has abused that since the late 40s, wont ever be any different :( I think the perfect example of how ill equipped the NHS is to care for our population is the fact that such charities like Maggies and Macmillan CC even exist, pallative care IS the NHS responsibility, yet both get sod all from NHS/Govt and have to be registered as charities.
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Mar 29, 2012
My recent career change means I'm quite enjoying being stuck behind a desk with normal working hours for a change! No more BS, turn up, do my job, get paid a decent daily rate, give less to the tax man!

Sure it will wear thin after a while but until then I'm going to milk it for as much as I can!


TOGA Member
May 27, 2010
Huntingdon, United Kingdom
I'm in the same boat too Z, voluntary redundancy in April after 16 years.

Going to get a job doing similar to what I was doing in the shorter term while training to do something i want to do in the meantime...the redundancy has been more of a push to do what I want to do really.

You can always take a job doing what you've done and use your spare time to train mate, i'm going to be building up a customer base over the next year to 18 months while i train and buy the equipment I need, then go full time self employed when i'm ready.
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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
I've just been looking at jobs in my sector to see whats about, even though I'm not really interested.

I think I'm pretty much screwed in that area. I have had no exposure via work to the technologies that everyone is recruiting for. Yes I have tons of c# experience, but in win forms. Everyone is wanting server too. I have neither. I could train myself up in i guess.

I still have no idea what the heck I actually would like to do. I was going into work tomorrow to say I'll take the voluntary redundancy, but now I'm having second thoughts and might just see what happens. I might end up keeping my job lol.


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Jan 16, 2010
Keep it indeed for the time being! It gives you time to think and prepare, just like some previous comments here said. :)


TOGA Member
Nov 8, 2014
You've been a developer for so many years. I'm sure you can pick up a related language/technology quite easily, as long as you manage to kick your habits. Moving now to something completely away from IT will be a shock to your system. If I were in your situation, I would start looking, right now, at related technologies to your knowledge base, that are being requested on the market right now. I am sure that even if you don't have much experience with the technology you are aiming for, your previous experience still counts. You just have to be as dynamic as possible.

You mentioned gaming. Are you telling me that going from C# with .NET to Objective C with Cocoa is such a huge leap? An experienced developer like you? I'm sure you can handle it. The difficult part is getting rid of old habits. I know that trying to work on iOS development without a Mac can be a hassle, but it's possible. This is just a suggestion from someone working a completely different environment than you, but also in IT.

Do you have a LinkedIn profile I can peek at?
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Feb 1, 2015
I'd advise you to look into related skills and/or fields that you'd be interested in. It's always good to have a plan B and be prepared in case you don't keep your current job.
If you're unsure what kind of job you might be interested in, do a little research and maybe a few tests to see what sort of work suits you. You might come across something fun that you hadn't considered before.

Best of luck :D


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Jan 5, 2010
Bucks, England
Thanks for the replies. @Morthor I don't have a linked in account. My other main issue is that I do not interview well. I am not a nerdy nerd who can express/articulate my knowledge well in interviews which is another reason I've been stuck here so long lol.

I have another consultation meeting next monday (3rd Aug) where I have to discuss my suitability for my current job ffs....REALLY!!

Following on from that, I should find out on/by Friday 7th, assuming I don't just say bollocks to it, I'm out of hear before then.


Feb 1, 2015
Thanks for the replies. @Morthor I don't have a linked in account. My other main issue is that I do not interview well. I am not a nerdy nerd who can express/articulate my knowledge well in interviews which is another reason I've been stuck here so long lol.

Coming off 'better' in an interview can be learned, and almost always boils down to some extra preparation before you get interviewed. If you need/want any tips for this, I may be able to help. Feel free to poke me if you would like any help. :)