Project Cars 2 - Anyone still racing?

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TOGA Member
Jul 8, 2010
I had a brief chat with Shadowfax on the subject of racing games a week or so ago..

Many moons ago I played Live for Speed ( S2 but I found it incredibly frustrating due to the damage aspect to cars (probably cuz my skills are not so L33T!). I when and bought a Logi Driving Force Pro and when I got bored I retired it again.

Hankering for something new, I bought Project Cars 2 and Need for speed Payback (for laughs) and dug out the DFP from the loft. Sadly, the DFP has suffered from being in the loft and while the PC recognises the wheel, somewhere on the board it's died as the PSU isn't supplying any power to the wheel / pedals as I can't calibrate etc. Tried a new PSU but no joy. Took it to a repair shop and he put a meter on it and while the power is getting to the board, "something" isn't working. pfft. Spares or repairs on GumTree I think..

Not to be deterred, I bought a logi G29 and separate shifter for Xmas for me :D

I've gone through the carting circuit and just got into the formula circuit now. Having fun but I'm still a noob so not venturing online.

Any of you guys still race? Is there a way to share setups etc? Any beginner racing leagues? :)


TOGA Member
Dec 14, 2015
Just got Wreck Fest, laughed all the way through my first online race, some twat in a van knocked seven shades of shit out of me.