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New User
Jan 10, 2015
Where to start.. Got a preview of this last night and it's fantastic! It's not as good as Kingsman, but it's still brilliant!

Melissa McCarthy plays the hapless, yet completely talented CIA handler Susan Cooper that, after witnessing her man on the ground (womanizing advocate Jude Law) get killed by the main antagonist (some girl that was in that Bridesmaids film that the wife probably forced you to watch) after he tries to chase her down to find a suitcase nuke..

I won't give too much of the plot away, but really, you don't want to watch it for the plot, you want to watch it for Jason Statham's character, Ford. He has to be one of the best characters in a film I've ever seen. You've probably met his type in the pub. He's the one that's done pretty much everything. In every circumstance ever.

Here's a taste:

Anyway, go watch! It has a ton of brilliant characters and actors in it and you'll laugh your socks off.

Oh and TV's Miranda Hart attacks 50 Cent.. Brilliant!