XPERT 11 Football Manager League

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New User
Oct 19, 2010
Xpert 11 is a free online football manager game. It's browser based so you don't have to download anything. It only takes about 10 minutes per week to play and can be good fun to play against mates. The game is quite simple, so you don't even have to have any football knowledge to do well. I'll write a little guide on here if there's an interest.

You buy and sell players as well as promote youth players. You train players, You set your teams tactics up in advance of the match and come match time, the result is automatically worked out by the website.

The League i run plays two games per week, Thursdays and Sundays at 8pm UK time. There's 18 teams in my league at the moment, with a few of the teams needing managers.

If you want to join visit the link below and register. My username is Malky80 and once you log back in once registered, there should be an invite on your lobby page. If the invite is not there, click on this link again.

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